Questões Concurso TCE-SC

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#Questão 1019174 - Gestão de Pessoas, Recrutamento e Seleção, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Administração

Julgue o item que se segue, relativos à gestão de pessoas e à gestão da qualidade.

Considere-se que, para contratar um novo profissional, uma empresa elabore um banco de dados com o padrão de perfil dos melhores colaboradores ocupantes do cargo na organização e que, com base nesse padrão, sejam coletados os dados dos candidatos para análises estatísticas com vistas a uma predição do melhor perfil a ser selecionado. Nessa situação, a organização utiliza a técnica de seleção denominada people analytics. 

#Questão 1019175 - Gestão de Pessoas, Recrutamento e Seleção, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Administração

Julgue o item que se segue, relativos à gestão de pessoas e à gestão da qualidade.

Considere-se que, em determinada empresa, haja uma vaga para a contratação de profissional com alta especialização em tecnologia da informação para atuar em processos de inovação. Nessa situação, do ponto de vista organizacional, o recrutamento externo é a melhor maneira de prover a vaga, pois amplia o rol de candidatos com experiência e aumenta a competitividade; do ponto de vista dos colaboradores, o recrutamento interno é uma fonte de motivação e estímulo ao autodesenvolvimento dos profissionais que atuam na empresa. 

#Questão 1023024 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Ciência da Computação

In the second paragraph of the text, 

the word “disincentivize” could be correctly replaced by deter without any change in the meaning of the sentence.  

#Questão 1023025 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Ciência da Computação

    During a ransomware hack, attackers infiltrate a target’s computer system and encrypt its data. They then demand a payment before they will release the decryption key to free the system. This type of extortion has existed for decades, but in the 2010s it exploded in popularity, with online gangs holding local governments, infrastructure and even hospitals hostage. Ransomware is a collective problem—and solving it will require collaborative action from companies, the government and international partners.

     As long as victims keep paying, hackers will keep profiting from this type of attack. But cybersecurity experts are divided on whether the government should prohibit the paying of ransoms. Such a ban would disincentivize hackers, but it would also place some organizations in a moral quandary. For, say, a hospital, unlocking the computer systems as quickly as possible could be a matter of life or death for patients, and the fastest option may be to pay up.

     Collective action can help. If all organizations that fall victim to ransomware report their attacks, they will contribute to a trove of valuable data, which can be used to strike back against attackers. For example, certain ransomware gangs may use the exact same type of encryption in all their attacks. “White hat” hackers can and do study these trends, which allows them to retrieve and publish the decryption keys for specific types of ransomware. Many companies, however, remain reluctant to admit they have experienced a breach, wishing to avoid potential bad press. Overcoming that reluctance may require legislation, such as a bill introduced in the Senate last year that would require companies to report having paid a ransom within 24 hours of the transaction.


In the second paragraph of the text, 

the word “quandary” could be correctly replaced by dilemma without any change in the meaning of the sentence. 

#Questão 1023026 - Inglês, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Ciência da Computação

    During a ransomware hack, attackers infiltrate a target’s computer system and encrypt its data. They then demand a payment before they will release the decryption key to free the system. This type of extortion has existed for decades, but in the 2010s it exploded in popularity, with online gangs holding local governments, infrastructure and even hospitals hostage. Ransomware is a collective problem—and solving it will require collaborative action from companies, the government and international partners.

     As long as victims keep paying, hackers will keep profiting from this type of attack. But cybersecurity experts are divided on whether the government should prohibit the paying of ransoms. Such a ban would disincentivize hackers, but it would also place some organizations in a moral quandary. For, say, a hospital, unlocking the computer systems as quickly as possible could be a matter of life or death for patients, and the fastest option may be to pay up.

     Collective action can help. If all organizations that fall victim to ransomware report their attacks, they will contribute to a trove of valuable data, which can be used to strike back against attackers. For example, certain ransomware gangs may use the exact same type of encryption in all their attacks. “White hat” hackers can and do study these trends, which allows them to retrieve and publish the decryption keys for specific types of ransomware. Many companies, however, remain reluctant to admit they have experienced a breach, wishing to avoid potential bad press. Overcoming that reluctance may require legislation, such as a bill introduced in the Senate last year that would require companies to report having paid a ransom within 24 hours of the transaction.


Judge the following items according to the text above. 

It can be concluded from the text that the quickest option for hospitals being under attack of ransomware would be to pay more than the amount the attackers demand. 

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