Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Parauapebas - PA

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Prefeitura de Parauapebas - PA

Julgue os itens que se seguem, acerca das estruturas e sentidos desse texto.

De acordo com o texto, a tarefa do sujeito é “consumir idéias” (l.21-22) e a do objeto é “criá-las e recriá-las” (l.22).

From the text above, it can be deduced that

a monolingual dictionary is written in two languages.

From the text above, it can be deduced that

when reading you must always look unknown words up in bilingual dictionaries.

According to the text above, it can be said that

it is useless trying to change each student’s personal learning style.

According to the text above, it can be said that

achievement scores can be related to the method being used.

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