Questões sobre Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa

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Listagem de Questões sobre Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa

#Questão 926071 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, FGV, 2023, SME - SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês

It has been argued that “Fostering a critical stance in very young readers can have surprising results, for both children and teachers” (BOURKE, Ryan T. First Graders and Fairy Tales: One Teacher's Action Research of Critical Literacy. The Reading Teacher 62 (4), 2008, 304-312, p. 304). 
This quotation is in line with the following goals for the teaching of English defined by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), except:

#Questão 926077 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, FGV, 2023, SME - SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês

Siqueira (2011) holds that to deal with the challenges of teaching a "deterritorialized" language like English, teachers should agree with the following suggestions, except

#Questão 926078 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, FGV, 2023, SME - SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês

Read the following strategies for teaching English as an additional language to public school children:
1. Explain a word to the students drawing on the blackboard. Then ask them to copy the word and have them recite it out loud. 2. Ask students to look at pictures of two children and add to the speech bubbles what they think the characters might be saying to each other. 3. Create a mnemonic device in the students’ native language so that they memorize the grammar rules better. 4. Choose a video that shows how people in a specific country dress and behave and ask students to perform a parody of these characteristics. 5. Have students stand up and start by saying "Simon says, hands on head" while placing your hands on your head. The students who don’t imitate you correctly or are too slow should sit down and stay out of the game.
Choose the option that indicates the strategies in line with the parameters published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019). 

#Questão 926079 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, FGV, 2023, SME - SP, Professor de Ensino Fundamental II e Médio - Inglês

The curriculum published by the Municipal Secretariat of Education, São Paulo (2019), sets new goals and directions for learning and provides guidance to those involved in education. Such goals are distributed into three cycles for Primary Education (Years 1 to 9), as listed below. Match these cycles to their pertinent goals:
1. Literacy Cycle 2. Interdisciplinary Cycle 3. Authoring Cycle
( ) Recognize instructions that indicate body movements (EF01LI09; p. 75); ( ) Recognize the difference between layouts of texts from various media, according to the context (EF07LI06, p.85); ( ) Recognize words in English looking at images in games such as bingo and tic-tac-toe (EF04LI10, p.80); ( ) Recognize narrative elements such as characters, plot, time and space in a group work situation (EF03LI04; p.77); ( ) Recognize language variation as a manifestation of different ways of thinking and expressing the world (EF07LI25, p.87).
The item with the correct sequence is:

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 A aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira deve possibilitar o aluno a se envolver nos processos de construir significados nessa língua se torne um ser discursivo no uso de uma língua estrangeira. 

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