Questões sobre Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa

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Listagem de Questões sobre Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa

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No que diz respeito ao processo avaliativo de língua inglesa, é correto afirmar que a aprendizagem da língua inglesa deve ser avaliada preferencialmente por meio de ferramentas quantitativas, com o objetivo de classificar os alunos e prepará-los para exames. 

Julgue o item subsequente. 

Even though it is generally considered obsolete, the Grammar-Translation Method, also called “Classic Method”, is still widely used, especially when the focus is on teaching reading and writing skills. 

Julgue o item subsequente. 

According to Vygotsky, the learning process results of the mediation of teachers, peers and parents on the Proximal Development Zone of students. 

Text 3 

This method was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday dialogue. It gave students a lot of speaking practice by using habit-formation drills. Other characteristics of this method are:

Theory of Behaviorism is in its base;
Set phrases are memorized with a focus on intonation;
Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum;
Vocabulary is taught in context;
Audio-visual aids are used;
Focus is on pronunciation.

The teaching method focused on in text 3 is called

#Questão 922631 - Inglês, Ensino da Língua Estrangeira Inglesa, IF-MG, 2023, IF-MG, 2023 - IF-MG - Professor EBTT Área/Disciplina: Letras - Língua Inglesa, Linguística e Literatura - Ponte Nova

A. Read the definition on communicative activities.
“Communicative activities are the ones designed to motivate students to interact speaking and listening to each other. During these activities students generally communicate when one of the speakers have some information (facts, opinions, ideas, etc) and the others don’t. They aim at making students use the language they are learning to interact in a real and meaningful way, generally involving exchange of information” (SCRIVENER, 1994, p. 62) 
B. Considering the definition above which item on the following list is a communicative activity? 

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