Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

#Questão 1021116 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, FGV, 2022, Senado Federal, Analista Legislativo - Registro e Redação Parlamentar

Text I

Empowering the workforce of tomorrow:
The role of business in tackling the skills mismatch among youth

        The future of work is changing fast. Technology, socioeconomic trends, and developments and crises like COVID-19 are changing the world of work and the demand for skills at a pace and depth that poses serious challenges to people, business, and society. Young people and future generations, especially when they are from disadvantaged groups, are disproportionately affected by these disruptions.
        A key challenge to shaping a sustainable future of work is addressing the skills mismatch among youth. Despite young people around the world being more educated than ever before, hundreds of millions of individuals are coming of age and finding themselves unemployed and unemployable, lacking the right skills to take up the jobs available today and, even more, the skills that will be needed in the future. Neglecting the skills mismatch among youth can result in young people feeling disenfranchised and disillusioned about their prospects in the labor market, fueling social unrest, stunting economic growth and ultimately creating a more volatile operating environment for business.
        In contrast, by equipping youth with relevant skills, businesses can empower young people, support their access to employment opportunities and enable them to thrive personally, professionally and as active members of society. Investing in the skills of young people has an essential role to play in helping to realize the ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) Vision2050, which aims to create a world where over 9 billion people live well and within planetary boundaries by mid-century.


The phrase “skills mismatch” indicates that there is a(n)

#Questão 1021260 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Quadrix, 2022, SEDF, Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês - Edital nº 31

Based on the text, judge the item from. 

The verb “infuriate” (line 9) cannot be correctly substituted by the verb annoy, since they have distinct meanings.

#Questão 1021283 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Quadrix, 2022, SEDF, Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês - Edital nº 31

Text for the item from.

Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, judge the item from.

Further and farther are both comparative forms for the adjective far; therefore, “further” (line 20) can be correctly replaced by farther, without a change in meaning. 

#Questão 1021291 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Quadrix, 2022, SEDF, Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês - Edital nº 31

Text for the item from.

Can learning language help prevent dementia?
Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, judge the item from. 

The term “resilient”, as used in line 13, means to be able to withstand adverse or challenging circumstances. 

#Questão 1021295 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, Quadrix, 2022, SEDF, Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês - Edital nº 31

Text for the item from.

Can learning language help prevent dementia?
Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, judge the item from. 

The expression “due to” (line 11) is used to introduce a cause to a situation previously mentioned. 

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