Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

#Questão 1023025 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, TCE-SC, Auditor Fiscal de Controle Externo - Ciência da Computação

    During a ransomware hack, attackers infiltrate a target’s computer system and encrypt its data. They then demand a payment before they will release the decryption key to free the system. This type of extortion has existed for decades, but in the 2010s it exploded in popularity, with online gangs holding local governments, infrastructure and even hospitals hostage. Ransomware is a collective problem—and solving it will require collaborative action from companies, the government and international partners.

     As long as victims keep paying, hackers will keep profiting from this type of attack. But cybersecurity experts are divided on whether the government should prohibit the paying of ransoms. Such a ban would disincentivize hackers, but it would also place some organizations in a moral quandary. For, say, a hospital, unlocking the computer systems as quickly as possible could be a matter of life or death for patients, and the fastest option may be to pay up.

     Collective action can help. If all organizations that fall victim to ransomware report their attacks, they will contribute to a trove of valuable data, which can be used to strike back against attackers. For example, certain ransomware gangs may use the exact same type of encryption in all their attacks. “White hat” hackers can and do study these trends, which allows them to retrieve and publish the decryption keys for specific types of ransomware. Many companies, however, remain reluctant to admit they have experienced a breach, wishing to avoid potential bad press. Overcoming that reluctance may require legislation, such as a bill introduced in the Senate last year that would require companies to report having paid a ransom within 24 hours of the transaction.


In the second paragraph of the text, 

the word “quandary” could be correctly replaced by dilemma without any change in the meaning of the sentence. 

The Amazon Forest

The Amazon is often called the lungs of the earth and produces 20% of the world’s oxygen. For this reason, many people are trying to stop deforestation in the rainforest. Brazil, for example, is working hard to help the rainforest survive.

A few years ago, the Brazilian government put forward a plan called ARPA (Amazon Region Protected Areas). It had the support of many international agencies, including the World Bank, and the German Development Bank, KfW. The main aim was to build new areas of protected rainforest, maintain areas of the rainforest that hadn’t yet been destroyed, and stop deforestation. Deforestation contributes greatly to global warming because carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when trees get cut down and burned.

One of the first areas to be recognized as part of ARPA was the Tumucumaque Mountains National Park. It is 38,800 km2 and is the same size as Switzerland, a small country in Central Europe. It’s the world’s largest protected tropical national park, and the second largest national park. It is home to certain species of jaguar, eagle, and lizard, which can only survive in the rainforest. Many of these species are under threat from climate change and deforestation.

In order to work in the park, conservationists need a reliable map. However, no map existed, and they didn’t have enough knowledge to make one on their own. They came up with the idea of involving local tribes to help them, combining modern and ancient methods to produce a map. The tribes learned to use global positioning system handsets (GPS), in conjunction with their local knowledge of the area, which included fishing and hunting grounds, and places of historical or mythical importance. Aerial photos were a 20useful aid in the process as well. This method of map-making is now the key to the future of rainforests, in Brazil and the rest of the world too.

Match the words in column 1 with their definitions in column 2.
Coluna 1 Words
1. survive
2. support
3. reliable
4. threat
Coluna 2 Definitions
( ) a person or thing with trustworthy qualities.
( ) continue to live or exist.
( ) a thing or a person likely to cause damage.
( ) give assistance to, especially financially.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom. 

Read the following sentence:
“Teaching of reading skills is an important aspect of language            . The learning of this skill is especially essential for            a second language. This is also so because most of the teachinglearning           is in the written form, either in the form of books or computer based material. Reading and literacy are thus interdependent.”

Choose the alternative which contains the correct words to complete the sentence.


Have you ever wondered what keeps a hot air balloon flying? The same principle that keeps food frozen in the open chest freezers at the grocery store allows hot air balloons to fly. It’s a very basic principle: Hot air rises and cold air falls. So while the super-cooled air in the grocery store freezer settles down around the food, the hot air in a hot air balloon pushes up, keeping the balloon floating above the ground. In order to understand more about how this principle works in hot air balloons, it helps to know more about hot air balloons themselves.

A hot air balloon has three major parts: the basket, the burner, and the envelope. The basket is where passengers ride. The basket is usually made of wicker. This ensures that it will be comfortable and add little extra weight. The burner is positioned above the passenger’s heads and produces a huge flame to heat the air inside the envelope. The envelope is the colorful fabric balloon that holds the hot air. When the air inside the envelope is heated, the balloon rises.

The pilot can control the up-and-down movements of the hot air balloon by regulating the heat in the envelope. To ascend, the pilot heats the air in the envelope. When the pilot is ready to land, the air in the balloon is allowed to cool and the balloon becomes heavier than air. This makes the balloon descend.

Before the balloon is launched, the pilot knows which way the wind is blowing. This means that she has a general idea........................... which way the balloon will go. But, sometimes the pilot can actually control the direction that the balloon flies while.......................................... flight. This is because the air above the ground is sectioned .........................................layers in which the direction of the wind may be different. So even though the pilot can’t steer the balloon, she can fly or higher or lower into a different layer ......................................air. Some days the difference between the direction of the wind between layers is negligible. But other days the difference is so strong that it can actually push the balloon in a completely different direction!

The word grocery in the first paragraph of the text, “… at the grocery store allows hot air balloons to fly.” is a place where you can buy:

Regarding the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

The word “forestalled” in line 20 could be replaced by prevented without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

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