Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário | Vocabulary

#Questão 1023359 - Inglês, Vocabulário | Vocabulary, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2022, Telebras, Especialista em Gestão de Telecomunicações – Auditoria

Considering the text above, judge the following item. 

The verb “removed” (third sentence) can be adequately replaced with taken out. 

The word ‘healthy’ in “Develop healthy eating habits and a good diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein (chicken or fish).”, has its correct definition in which alternative?

In “Hence, I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement”, HENCE means: 

Considering the International Alphabetic Symbols – IPA –, mark the alternative in which the exemplification is INCORRECT. 

Regarding the grapheme th, mark the alternative in which the word corresponds to the phoneme /ð/

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