Questões de Inglês

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês

#Questão 924022 - Inglês, Interpretação de texto | Reading comprehension, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

According to the text, why should we start eating avocado seeds?

The fragment of last paragraph “Inflation creates economic burdens for households and businesses” means that inflation

Consider the sentences below:
I.The knight is waiting for you! II.The night will still be long.
The words in bold are:

"Sexual mores were also changing". (6º§)

Which verb tense the sentence above is?

#Questão 924841 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, FUNDATEC, 2023, BRDE, Assistente Administrativo

To rewrite the sentence “It is the only preserved 17th-century ship in the world” from the text in the interrogative simple present structure, the correct word order is: 

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