Questões Concurso Secretaria de Estado de Educação - AL (SEDUC/AL)

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Secretaria de Estado de Educação - AL (SEDUC/AL)

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

According to the text, there are several benefits for people who frequently spend time in the forest.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

It can be concluded from the text that the Forest Agency of Japan decided to launch the campaign to popularize shinrin-yoku because research has shown the benefits of nature for human health.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

According to the text, shinrin-yoku is one of the oldest Japanese traditional rituals.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

It can be said that practitioners of shinrin-yoku go to the forest to take baths in lakes and rivers.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

This is an informative text whose main objective is to present the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku.

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