Questões Concurso Secretaria de Estado de Educação - AL (SEDUC/AL)

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Secretaria de Estado de Educação - AL (SEDUC/AL)

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the items below.

The boy does not understand that a toast is a slice of bread that is exposed to heat from a grill or fire.

Based on the cartoon and the vocabulary and language used in it, judge the items below.

The three verbs in the second square — “watch”, “put” and “push” — are in the imperative form.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

It can be inferred that the mentioning of ‘spirit animal’ (l. 14 and 15) in the registration forms for the American Forest Bathing Club means that members of this Club are allowed to take their pets to the forest with them.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

If the word “followers” (l.12) were replaced by adepts, there would be a significant change in meaning in the sentence.

Concerning the ideas and linguistic aspects of the previous text, judge the following items.

In the sentence “Studies have shown that regular (…) and strengthen the immune system” (l. 9 to 11), the verb “have” could be omitted and the sentence would still be grammatically acceptable.

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