Questões Concurso MJ

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Listagem de Questões Concurso MJ

One can say that according to the text, “go out and see the stars” can be considered

According to the text, it is correct to say that

“Internet service providers like Google, told the 10 O'clock News they operated within the current law. And those who support the existence of the sites say it is a matter of free speech, allowing the open exchange of information. Some argue the chat rooms can offer comfort to those feeling suicidal.” In the paragraph above, the pronoun THOSE appears twice. It refers respectively to

“Six years after his son Simon Kelly died, his father Paul is still angry that although UK law makes it illegal to offer advice to those contemplating suicide, no one has ever been successfully prosecuted for it.” In the sentence above, the word “although” conveys an idea of

“viaje” es una palabra heterogenérica respecto al portugués. ¿Qué otra palabra de esta categoría aparece en esta lista.

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