Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNRIO

The word disgruntled, as it appears in the text, could be replaced by any of the options below, without changing the meaning, except by:

In the sentence “There are some real bargains, especially at the top of the market”, the idea brought by the expression in bold is:

In the following excerpts taken from Text I – “who have poured billions of pounds into emerging market funds”; “Many companies command share price ratings which are a multiple of their equivalents in the west”; “which took more than £500m from UK investors into a China fund launched by its most high-profile manager” –, the relative pronouns refer, respectively, to:

The three words in bold in the following sentences – “There is an entire generation of young Spaniards with a millstone round their necks”; “They will have to work their whole lives to pay for houses now worth half what they bought them for” – make an explicit reference to:

The connective meanwhile in the sentence “Meanwhile, the holiday home market also remains in the doldrums.” could be replaced, without changing meaning, by:

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