Questões de Inglês da Avança SP

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da Avança SP

Classifique cada palavra da frase, a seguir, de acordo com suas respectivas categorias.
He might drive down my street. 

#Questão 924010 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

Analyze the sentence and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“Separatist fighters in Indonesia’s restive Papua region have captured a pilot from New Zealand and are holding him hostage after setting fire to his plane, the group said in a statement.” 

#Questão 924011 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

Analyze the sentence and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“This time it was Edgardo Greco, 63, who was apprehended in Saint-Etienne, France, where he was working under the alias Paolo Dimitrio as a pizzaiolo at the Caffe Rossini Italian restaurant.” 

#Questão 924012 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

Analyze the underlined words and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“We have six kids that have been transported into different hospitals in Montreal and Laval, but unfortunately we have two other kids that died as a result of the accident,” 

#Questão 924013 - Inglês, Preposições | Prepositions, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

Choose the correct option to complete the blank spaces:
“With the rapid development _____ modern technology, the space _____ information confrontation is no longer limited _____ land, sea, and the low altitude. Near space has also become a new battlefield _____ modern warfare and an important part of the national security system,” 

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