Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

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Listagem de Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

#Questão 924010 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Avança SP, 2023, Prefeitura de São Miguel Arcanjo - SP, Professor Ensino Fundamental (6º ao 9º ano) Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

Analyze the sentence and choose the correct verb tenses respectively:
“Separatist fighters in Indonesia’s restive Papua region have captured a pilot from New Zealand and are holding him hostage after setting fire to his plane, the group said in a statement.” 

In the sentence “I stopped ____ with my sister”, it is grammatically correct to fill the gap with which of the following forms of the verb “talk”?

The sentences below are in present perfect tense – simple or continuous. Which one is INCORRECT?

In which of the following sentences “used to” is connected to a past action?

"Sexual mores were also changing". (6º§)

Which verb tense the sentence above is?

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