Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

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Listagem de Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

In the sentence: “In order to encourage learners in a monolingual class to participate in pair and group work, it might be worth asking them…”, the modal verb might is used 

#Questão 1021502 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Quadrix, 2022, CFO-DF, Analista de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas e Informação

According to the text, judge the item.

The term “were” (line 6) agrees with the subject “technology”. 

According to the text, judge the item.

In line 35, “has continued” is in the present perfect tense.  

Instruction: answer question  based on the following text.

Increasing Sustainability in Vacation Rentals Through Home Automation

Mark the option that completes the gaps in the second paragraph with the correct forms of the verb to be.

The highlighted sentence “You’ll never see me cry” is an example of one of the uses of the simple future: to make promises. Choose the INCORRECT statement about the uses of future tenses. 

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