Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

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Listagem de Questões sobre Verbos | Verbs

Observe a estrutura verbal a seguir:

• Sujeito + simple future do verbo to have (will have) + o particípio do verbo principal.

A estrutura verbal apresentada acima é a representação de qual tempo verbal? 

Considering the ideas of the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 32, the word “might” can be correctly replaced with the modal verb could

Available at: Accessed on: April 26, 2022. 

The teacher told the coordinator that students ____________ the entire summer texting. She explained that it ______________    a while to wean them. The correct verb tenses to complete the sentences are respectively

#Questão 1021294 - Inglês, Verbos | Verbs, Quadrix, 2022, SEDF, Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês - Edital nº 31

According to the text, judge the item from. 

The term “can” (line 6), as a modal verb, changes the meaning of the whole sentence, not only the meaning of the main verb. 

According to the text, judge the item.

The term “could” (line 15) is the past tense of can.

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