Questões Concurso SECTI

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Listagem de Questões Concurso SECTI

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the phrase “Rather than enhancing well-being” (l.32), the expression “Rather than” introduces a contrast between the two ideas that follow it.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the phrase “their emotional state” (l.23), the word “their” refers to “Ethan Kross and colleagues” (l.22).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The author mentions the study by Kross and colleagues to reinforce the findings of Valenzuela and colleagues.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the sentence “it could actually reduce the satisfaction” (l.9 and 10), the expression “actually” can correctly be replaced with today.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The text above was written especially for psychologists and other experts.

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