Questões Concurso SECTI

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Listagem de Questões Concurso SECTI

According to the text, judge the following items.

In the sentence “the infants overheard a conversation” (l.7), the prefix “over” is added to the verb form “heard” to emphasize the act of hearing.

According to the text, judge the following items.

The adjective “non-living” (l.6) is synonymous with unliving.

According to the text, judge the following items.

The text above is an academic article.

According to the text, judge the following items.

In the phrase “an action verb like” (l.8 and 9), the word “like” can be correctly replaced with such as without changing in the meaning of the text.


Judge the following items according to the text.

In the sentence “Research has demonstrated its critical role in memory consolidation” (l.20 and 21), the pronoun “its” refers to “Research”.

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