Questões Concurso Ministério da Defesa - Comando da Aeronáutica

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Listagem de Questões Concurso Ministério da Defesa - Comando da Aeronáutica

A similar meaning to “as”, in bold type in the passage, is

Todas as alternativas completam a frase seguinte com concordância nominal correta, exceto uma. Assinale-a.

A casa situava-se numa região cujo clima era bastante saudável. Nessa região, havia

Look at the following statements and choose the correct question tags:

1 – It snowed last night, _______________?

2 – She shouldn’t be aggressive to people, _____________?

3 – You haven’t closed the door,_________________?

4 – You are going to the party with us, ____________?

Complete the sentences below using make or do:

1 – She forgot to __________ her homework.

2 – During the text, try not to __________ a noise.

3 – She needs to __________ an appointment to see the destist.

4 – Every morning I _________ my bed.

“It”, underlined in the text (third balloon), refers to:

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