Questões de Língua Inglesa da UFRJ

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da UFRJ

By derivation, the adverb “highly” (l. 52) is formed from the adjective “high”. The following sequence contains only adverbs formed by the same derivational process:

“‘We are outraged,’ said Mong Gwang, a captain with the Kachin Independence Army, which controls large swaths of territory along the border with China” (l.26-28). In indirect speech, the sentence could read as follows:

Punctuation has been changed in paragraphs 2 to 6. The only case that DID NOT cause any relevant change in meaning nor problem of cohesion is:

In “Should universities be critics and consciences of society, should they critically evaluate the ‘ethic of global citizenship’, and how can these rationales be evidenced and articulated in these spaces?” (paragraph 13), the words in bold face are, respectively:

In Text II, it is possible to understand that:

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