Questões de Inglês da FUNDATEC

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da FUNDATEC

Analyze the following statements about the sentence “In the early-twentieth century music was sometimes broadcast in factories to increase productivity and morale”
(l. 01-02): I. “Music was sometimes broadcast” is in the simple present, in a passive voice structure.
II. The adverb “sometimes” could be replaced by “rarely” with no changes in meaning.
III. The word “increase” could be translated as “aumentar”.

Which ones are correct?

Music Enabling Cognitive Work

(Avaliable in: ASHLEY, R. and TIMMERS, R. (Editors) The Routledge Companion to Music Cognition. New York: Routledge, 2017 – text adapted specially for this test). 

The blanks in paragraph one should be completed with, in order:

Choose the option that correctly completes the following statement: “The blank in line 25 should be filled out with ______ because the verb “hope” is usually followed by _____”.

Instruction: answer question  based on the following text.

Increasing Sustainability in Vacation Rentals Through Home Automation

Consider the following statements about the highlighted words cut down (l. 16):

I. It’s a phrasal verb.

II. It could be substituted by “lower” with no significative changes in meaning (consider “lower the costs”).

III. It is often followed by the preposition “on”.

Which statements are correct?

Instruction: answer question  based on the following text.

Increasing Sustainability in Vacation Rentals Through Home Automation

Mark the option that completes the gaps in the second paragraph with the correct forms of the verb to be.

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