Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNCAB

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FUNCAB

Mark the alternative that contains a word which uses the same prefixo f negation a sin INCONSEQUENTIAL(first paragraph):

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Choose the alternative which presents the ideas expressed by the following discourse markers in the text:AS (first paragraph),AS WELL, FOR INSTANCE (second paragraph), respectively:

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Choose the option that presents the semantic equivalents for the following words from the text: UNDERPIN, SHIFT, INSIGHTS (first paragraph), MAINSTAY, FOSTERING (second paragraph), respectively:

This aid is becoming increasingly popular in schools and institutions that can afford it. It permits the projection and manipulation of digitalized teaching content, both original and published. This aid is known as:

Consider the sentences below:

1. Global warming ___________ by the greenhouse effect.

2. When ice in the poles melt, sea levels ____________.

3. Carbon dioxide __________ the sun's heat.

4. An American scientist ___________ holes in the ozone layer.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct verb forms that complete the above sentences, respectively:

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