Questões de Língua Inglesa da FEC

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da FEC

We were sure we were going to ___________ the train, but ____________ we didn't, actually.

Jeremy Harmer says that: " 
         The use of videotapes has been a common feature in language teaching for many years(...). To some people videotape is merely a glorified version of audiotape (...). But there are many reasons why video can add a special, extra dimension to the learning experience (...). One of the main advantages of video is that students do not just hear language, they see it too. Thus we can observe how intonation can match facial expression (...). Video uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their classrooms. This is especially useful if they want to see, for example, typical British 'body language' when inviting someone out (...)". (p.282). The best alternative is:

Douglas Brown in his book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching says that: " The Input Hypothesis, a major offshoot of Krashen's Monitor Model, claims that an important "condition for language acquisition to occur is that the acquirer understand (via hearing or reading) input language that contains structure 'a bit beyond' his or her current level of competence (1981a:100). (...) An important part of the Input Hypothesis is Krashen's recommendation that speaking not be taught directly or very soon in the language classroom. Speech will "emerge" once the acquirer has built up enough comprehensible input. Krashen further claims that the best acquisition will occur in environments where anxiety is low and defensiveness is absent". (p.280) We can infer that:

As far as motivation is concerned, Jeremy Harmer says that:
        "At its most basic level, motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do things in order to achieve something. As H Douglas Brown points out, a cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement (Brown 2000: 160-166). (...)
        Marion Williams and Richard Burden suggest that motivation is a 'state of cognitive arousal' which provokes a 'decision to act' as a result of which there is 'sustained intellectual and/or physical effort' so that the person can achieve some 'previously set goal' (Williams and Burden 1997: 120). They go on to point out that the strength of that motivation will depend on how much value the individual places on the outcome he or she wishes to achieve". We can infer that:

Jeremy Harmer in his book The Practice of English Language Teaching says:
"Developmental errors: for a long time now researchers in child language development have been aware of the phenomenon of 'over-generalisation'. This is best described as a situation where a child who starts by saying Daddy went, They came, etc. perfectly correctly suddenly starts saying *Daddy goed and *They comed. (...) Foreign language students make the same kind of 'developmental' errors as well". (p. 100). We can infer that:

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