Questões de Inglês da CESPE / CEBRASPE

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Listagem de Questões de Inglês da CESPE / CEBRASPE

Based on the comic strip above, judge the following item.

The humorous effect of the strip is caused by the attempt of one of the doctors to empower her patient by giving him a very obvious tip.

Based on the comic strip above, judge the following item.

The words “maintenance”, “medication” and “patients” have suffixes which indicate that they are nouns.

Based on the infographic above, judge the following item. 

“Rejection”, “occupy” and “magazine” translate in Portuguese as rejeição, ocupar e magazine, respectively.

Internet: <>.

Based on the infographic above, judge the following item. 

Up to 2003, JK Rowling has married twice and has lived in three different countries.

Internet: <>.

Based on the infographic above, judge the following item. 

According to the first lines about JK Rowling, she has no brothers but she has two sisters.

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