Questões sobre Gramática

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Listagem de Questões sobre Gramática

Based on the linguistic structures of the text, judge the following items.

the verb to tailor (l.20) is synonymous with to adapt.

#Questão 487622 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2009, DECEA, Técnico de Defesa e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo

Mark the only pair where both words contain affixation that conveys equal meanings and constitutes words with corresponding grammatical functions.

#Questão 487624 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2009, DECEA, Técnico de Defesa e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo

Choose the option that correctly describes the word in the text both in terms of its grammatical function and meaning.

#Questão 487626 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2009, DECEA, Técnico de Defesa e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo

Mark the only alternative where the word ‘one’ functions as an indefinite personal pronoun.

#Questão 487628 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESGRANRIO, 2009, DECEA, Técnico de Defesa e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo

The words “undue” (line 22) and “unaccented” (line 32) are formed by the prefix “un”. In which of the words below would it be possible to add the same prefix to express an opposing idea in Standard English?

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