Questões sobre Gramática

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Listagem de Questões sobre Gramática

"O agronegócio respondeu em 2007 por cerca de 24% da sconomia brasileira."(lines 6-7) Which of the following presents a correct semantic correspondent in standard English to the sentence above?

The Portuguese phrase that correctly translates the verb form "will …have overtaken" in the sentence "The number of urban dwellers will for the first time have overtaken the number of rural dwellers in the world in 2008."(lines 37-39), is

Mark the alternative in which %u2018that%u2019 functions as a subordinating conjunction.

Choose the option that correctly describes the expressions both in terms of its grammatical classification and its meaning in Text II.


In "even though..." (line 20) and "All in all," (line 52) could be correctly replaced with

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