Questões sobre Gramática

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#Questão 487638 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, FUNIVERSA, 2010, SEPLAG / SEE/DF, Professor de Educação Básica

Text V, for questions from 29 through 33.


Based on the fragment below, choose the incorrect alternative.

“Therefore, it must be a valid claim that the most important professional duty that non-NESTs have to perform is to make linguistic improvements in their English.”

Which option correctly indicates the referent of that in "...isn't that a higher priority?" (line 61)?

Otherwise in the sentence "Otherwise, take it off your list." (lines 41-42) can be substituted, without changing the meaning of the sentence, by

In terms of meaning, it is correct to affirm that

In the text,

"posse" (l.42) and entourage are interchangeable.

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