Questões sobre Gramática

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Listagem de Questões sobre Gramática

#Questão 488439 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, FCC, 2012, ARCE/CE, Analista de Regulação

To pass a law, as used in the text, means

In order to keep the same idea, the connective as in “As the demand side of these economies is mainly driven by domestic demand, not by exports, they are more resilient to a global crisis.” could be replaced by:

“ Everyone should get exercise.” The modal “ should means:

The sentence” If you want to lift weights or ride an exercise bike, though, you will have to buy some equipment, and this sometimes be expensive.” the sentence is in:

#Questão 490317 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, UFRJ, 2012, UFRJ, Analista de Tecnologia da Informação

A oração “Last year’s model was called the iPad” está na voz passiva tanto quanto a oração que está na seguinte opção:

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