Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the context, the word “Yet” (l.5) conveys the same idea as the expression up until now.

According to the text 3A5AAA, judge the following items.

The pronoun “this” (l.22) refers to the practice of keeping personal documents in a safe place.

From the 9th paragraph of Text II (lines 68-76), one can conclude that in recent overall figures, the US import of crude oil

From the fragment of Text II “Explaining the ‘triple carbon impact’ of Amazonian oil extraction, the report says that copious amount of carbon is emitted when the rainforest is cut down to establish drill sites” (lines 25-28), the word report refers to

Match these translation techniques with their definitions in the box.

1. Literal translation

2. Calque

3. Transposition

 4. Equivalence

5. Borrowing

( ) To replace a cultural element in the source language with one from the target culture.

 ( ) To translate a word or an expression word for word.

( ) To change a grammatical category.

( ) To borrow a word or phrase from another language while translating its components to create a new lexeme in the target language.

 ( ) To take a word or expression straight from another language without translation.

The CORRECT sequence is

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