Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2006

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2006

Leia o texto a seguir. Ele será considerado para as questões 39, 40, 41 e 42.

In the first line, and according to the text, the word its refers to

Leia o texto a seguir. Ele será considerado para as questões 39, 40, 41 e 42.

Observe as afirmativas sobre o texto.

 1. The cartoons were first published in Denmark.

2. Protests also happened in Iran.

3. The cartoons included an image portraying Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. 4. Danish embassies were attacked by Muslins.

5. The satirical cartoons were the reason of the crisis.

Assinale abaixo a alternativa que indica o que o professor avalia, ao solicitar dos alunos as informações acima sobre o texto.

Put the words below in order to make a sentence: is when person upsets it unreliable a me The correct sentence is

De acordo com as teorias de Pennycook,

Observe a seqüência de eventos descritos no texto abaixo. O texto é seguido de uma lista de eventos numerados e de um conjunto de alternativas sobre a ordem em que eles ocorreram. Escolha a alternativa correta, de acordo com o texto. "Yesterday, the British millionaire, Niles Robinson, was found dead in a canal. That day, Robinson had just bought an original painting by Pablo Picasso and he had it in hand. The day before he had planned his wedding. He had an argument with his girlfriend's brother a month ago."

Robinson was found dead (1)

Robinson bought a painting (2)

Robinson planned his wedding (3)

 Robinson had an argument (4)

A seqüência de ocorrência de eventos é

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