Questões Concurso IGP/RS

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Listagem de Questões Concurso IGP/RS

São ações que a Equipe Pericial deve executar durante a busca por vestígios em locais de crime contra a pessoa, EXCETO:

Considerando o Procedimento Operacional Padrão na coleta de sangue em locais de crime, é correto afirmar que:

Em relação à solicitação apenas da equipe de remoção do DML, é possível classificar a conduta da Polícia Civil como:

Consider the following statements about the text:

I. Nowadays people pay more attention to how a book looks like than before. This popularity of beautiful covers and books is a characteristic of the last few years.

II. According to the author, the success of book sales is only related to the design of their covers.

III. The author mentions that when there is an effort to design a beautiful cover it indicates that the content of the book may also be important.

Which ones are in agreement with the text?

Analyse the statements about some expressions of the text, marking true (T) or false (F).

( ) The word ‘flimsy’ (l.07) could be replaced by ‘strong’ without changing the meaning of the utterance.

( ) The expression ‘jewel-like beauty’ (l.13) means that the covers resemble the beauty of jewellery.

( ) The author uses the expressions “more cloth, more foil, more embossing, page staining, sewn bindings, deckled edges” (l.14-15) to describe the perfect cover in his opinion.

( ) Without considering the context, it is possible to translate the expression ‘lightbulb moment’ (l.37) as ‘momento de inspiração’.

The correct and respective order is:

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