Questões Concurso EPE

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Listagem de Questões Concurso EPE

“Even while” in “In 2020, even while economies bent under the weight of Covid-19 lockdowns” (opening sentence) indicates the text will show that two situations are

When the text informs that “Public spending on sustainable energy in economic recovery packages has only mobilised around one-third of the investment required to jolt the energy system onto a new set of rails” (2nd paragraph), one may infer that the investment has been

The underlined passage in “For all the advances being made by renewables and electric mobility, 2021 is seeing a large rebound in coal and oil use” implies that the use of coal and oil is

The sentence “Covid-induced recession is putting major strains on parts of today’s energy system” (2nd paragraph) suggests that the recession has 

The extract that states that the transformation discussed in the text has met some resistance is: 

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