Questões Concurso BB

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Listagem de Questões Concurso BB

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (L.5-7) means the same as

Rapid growth in the urban population has improved economy in major cities, but on the other hand it caused them serious problems.

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (L.5-7) means the same as

Rapid increase in the population of bigger cities brought about economical development together with minor problems.

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (L.5-7) means the same as

Serious problems have been caused by rapid growth of the urban population in major cities, which on the other hand also brought about economic improvement.

The sentence "Rapid growth in the urban population has aided economic development but also created serious problems for major cities" (L.5-7) means the same as

Fast increase in the city populations not only has helped economic progress, but also brought about serious problems for bigger urban areas.

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