Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

From text LE-I, it can be inferred that

agricultural chemical misuse is no longer a problem in Brazil.

From text LE-I, it can be inferred that

toxic chemical use in agriculture should be better controlled.

From text LE-I, it can be inferred that FAO and IRPTC are two international organizations.

Text LE-I – questions 6 to 8

Based on text LE-I, it can be deduced that

it is still unknown if chemical substances used to kill wild plants can cause damage to humans.

Text LE-I – questions 6 to 8

Based on text LE-I, it can be deduced that

pesticide abuse is a myth.

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