Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

#Questão 487932 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2009, TCE/TO, Analista de Controle Externo ACE

This text refers to questions from 14 through 20.

In the text, "one" (l.25) is

#Questão 488454 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2009, ANAC, Analista Administrativo (Área 1)

Judge the following items about the ideas and the linguistic structures of the text above.

The verb to plunge in "Airbus A330 plunged mysteriously into the southern Atlantic Ocean" (l.1-2) means to thrust or throw (something or oneself) forcibly or suddenly downwards.

In the text,

“procedures” (l.24) means a set of actions which is the accepted way of doing something.

In the text,

“undertaken” (l.18) is the same as carried out.

In the text,

“validity” (l.7) means valuable.

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