Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

#Questão 483360 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2009, ANATEL, Analista Administrativo / Especialista em Regulação (Prova 1

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Throughout the last 200 years as Constitution's purpose and function changed from fighting warship, to training vessel, to receiving ship, to dock side exhibit.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Financial audits are free of material errors.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Audits are carried out in order to guarantee the dependability and trustworthiness of information.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Usually, audits are principally linked to obtaining information about financial systems and financial records of an enterprise or business

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

The auditor is the person in charge of assuring that no mistakes are made whatsoever.

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