Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CESPE / CEBRASPE

Based on text CB1A5AAA, judge the following items.

The words “unaware” (l.12) and “wary” (l.16) are related in terms of meaning, being both connected to the notion of caution and attention.

#Questão 705892 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2018, Instituto Rio Branco (IRBr), Terceiro Secretário da Carreira de Diplomata

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text VI, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “simmering” (l.15) could be replaced by vocal without altering the general meaning of the passage.

#Questão 705893 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2018, Instituto Rio Branco (IRBr), Terceiro Secretário da Carreira de Diplomata

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text VI, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The idiom “Across the pond” (l.19) could be replaced by Overseas, without altering the meaning of the sentence.

#Questão 705894 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2018, Instituto Rio Branco (IRBr), Terceiro Secretário da Carreira de Diplomata

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text VI, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “aegis” (l.36) could be replaced by auspices in this particular context.

#Questão 705895 - Língua Inglesa, Gramática, CESPE / CEBRASPE, 2018, Instituto Rio Branco (IRBr), Terceiro Secretário da Carreira de Diplomata

In text V, without altering the general meaning of the sentence, “enthralled” (R.8) could be replaced by (mark right — C — or wrong — E)


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