Questões de Língua Inglesa da CEPERJ

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da CEPERJ

In the source text there is evidence of the writer´s assumption of what his/her target audience is like. The assumption behind the ´handy list´ is that readers:

In reported speech, the speaker may choose a specific reporting verb to convey a different (and personal) purpose. The reported structure that presents a summary of “Fast food is fattening” (line 36), according to the text is: The author:

In addition to skin cancer, the author shows two other major concerns in the text. These concerns are:

The combination of physical exercises which has been left out of the source text is:

Text, paragraphs and sentences have purposes. The communicative purpose of the excerpt “Cardio can be anything that keeps your heart racing for the entire time, including biking, swimming, dancing… you name it!” (line 41-43) is to:

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