Questões de Língua Inglesa da AEDB

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa da AEDB

As far as the physical description is concerned, it can

be said that the schoolmaster is:

In line 17"his clothes are neither new nor in the fashion" means:

All the items below could be appropriate in the table of contents of a notional-functional program, except one:

According to Richards and Rodgers an approach

is "a set of beliefs and principles that can be

used as the basis for teaching a language" and a

method "refers to a specific instructional design

or system based on a particular theory of

language and of language learning". In this

sense the following are examples of an approach

and a method, respectively:

The correct passive voice for this statement " students

who learn English for their jobs will need to know

something about translation" is:

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