Questões sobre Vocabulário

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário

Based on the meanings in the text, mark the only option in which the two words are antonymous.

In the sentence “…while power dams were left behind with a 14.7 percent share.” (lines 10-11), the word “while”

#Questão 479255 - Língua Inglesa, Vocabulário, CESGRANRIO, 2008, ANP, Técnico em Regulação (Geral)

“Although” (line 3) introduces an idea of contrast. The idea introduced by the discourse marker is correctly stated in

In the text,

“procedures” (l.24) means a set of actions which is the accepted way of doing something.

In the text,

“undertaken” (l.18) is the same as carried out.

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