Questões sobre Vocabulário

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Listagem de Questões sobre Vocabulário

No fragmento da notícia, a expressão em destaque quer dizer

In the fragment of Text I “In arriving at a solution many issues must be addressed, including the resolution of conflicting claims to land considered to be in the public domain” (lines 94-97) the terms issues, addressed, claims correspond to the following meanings:

In the fragment of Text I “The simplest and most reliable way to mitigate damage from oil operations would be to prohibit oil extraction in the tropical rainforest” (lines 18-20), the word mitigate can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by

Without altering the meaning of text 6A6BBB, the expression “covert signals” (l.3) could be replaced by

In “Reflective teaching therefore implies a more ... observations”. (L 7-9) THEREFORE means

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