Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2018

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2018

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

In line 31, the connector “Hence” introduces a logical conclusion.

Based on text CB1A5BBB, judge the following items.

In the fragment “on becoming director of the American National Security Agency” (l. 9 and 10), the preposition “on” refers to a period when the action is taking place.

Based on text CB1A5AAA, judge the following items.

The words “unaware” (l.12) and “wary” (l.16) are related in terms of meaning, being both connected to the notion of caution and attention.

The best negative form of the sentence “Aquaculture business provides tax and royalty revenue to local governments” is

The best way to complete the sentence “Aquaculture will add to wild seafood, and make it _______ and accessible to all” is

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