Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2017

A frase “The night sky was black as a bat and the wind was bringing ice to the world” pertence a uma obra de ficção em que a linguagem poética e a linguagem coloquial se mesclam.

Após chuvas torrenciais, a diretoria de um Parque Nacional estendeu faixas em algumas áreas, com os dizeres “Cross this line at your own risk”.

Which enemy does Trump call “the enemy of the American people”?

According to Quinnipiac University poll

1. Republicans and other Americans agree about matters of trust.

2. Republicans and Democrats disagree to each other.

3. the voters prefer to believe in the media.

4. the voters prefer to believe Trump.

5. Republicans and Democrats both trust in Trump equally.


The best translation to the sentence

¡°Even police departments have paid ransomware demands in order to regain access to their hacked systems and data¡± (4th paragraph) is


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