Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014

In addition to skin cancer, the author shows two other major concerns in the text. These concerns are:

The combination of physical exercises which has been left out of the source text is:

Text, paragraphs and sentences have purposes. The communicative purpose of the excerpt “Cardio can be anything that keeps your heart racing for the entire time, including biking, swimming, dancing… you name it!” (line 41-43) is to:

Tag questions are short questions normally used to check information or ask for agreement. The right tag question for “Now let’s talk about diet” (line 29) is:

Processes of word formation such as Derivation (“suitie” - (line 25)) and Clipping (“fave” - (line 45)) present in the source text suggest that it aims most specifically at:

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