Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2014

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In terms of text typology, this is a narrative text.

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In order for you to catch “the measles” (l.17), you have to go out in the woods with all the necessary hunting equipment.

Judge if the translation suggested in each of the following items is grammatically correct and maintains the meaning of the original text.

“On June 6, the Guardian and the Washington Post broke the first stories in a series that would expose extraordinary surveillance at home and abroad by the U.S. National Security Agency in arguably the most important leak of classified intelligence ever” (l.1 to 5) = Em 6 de junho, o Guardian e o Washington Post quebraram os primeiros casos de uma série que exporia a extraordinária vigilância doméstica e internacional pela Agência de Segurança Nacional dos E.U.A. no mais importante vazamento de inteligência já visto.

Judge if the translation suggested in each of the following items is grammatically correct and maintains the meaning of the original text.

“They also embarrassed the intelligence community and initiated an international discussion on the boundaries of surveillance in this age of instant communication” (l.15 to 18) = Eles também envergonharam a comunidade ligada aos serviços de inteligência e deram início a uma discussão internacional sobre os limites da vigilância nesta era de comunicação instantânea.

Judge the following items according to the text.

In the sentence “Sleeping in class declined, as did self-reported depression” (l.35 and 36), the word “as” indicates that depression also declined.

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