Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2007

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2007

In relation to grammar aspects, judge the following items.

The word “but” (l.8) is a conjunction and it expresses addition.

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

In this sentence, it is grammatically correct to replace the infinitive form “to work” with the gerund form “working”.

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

The word “Actually” is a false cognate.

Consider the following sentence: “If I had some more time, I would do many other things like visiting you more often. Actually, I have been so busy that I have had to work on the weekends, too.”

With respect to the sentence above, judge the items that follow.

The clause “If I had some more time” is in the conditional.

With respect to grammatical aspects, judge the following items. The use of the past perfect and the past perfect continuous is correct in the following sentence: “When I first met him, he had already written two books. As a matter of fact, what I didn’t realize was that he had been writing his third one at that time.”

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