Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2006

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2006

Answer questions 25 to 30 according to the following text.

I. The Projects Unit is not related to the large-sized companies.

II. Inserting small- and medium-sized companies in the international market is being done to increase their participation in Brazilian exports.

III. Diversion is one of the exported products.

IV. Generating employment is one of the gains obtained by the projects.

Sob a perspectiva do texto

Numere a 2ª coluna, relacionando as perguntas às suas respectivas respostas.

I. What is coal ?

II. How is oil formed?

III. Why is coal widely used in generation of electricity?

IV. How is natural gas formed?

( ) In the same way as oil.

( ) A solid fuel formed by the decay of land vegetation.

( ) From the remains of marine micro-organisms deposited on the sea floor.

( ) It is a highly concentrated energy source.

A seqüência correta obtida, de cima para baixo, é:

Sobre os combustíveis fósseis, o texto informa que

Read the following text and answer questions 33 to 40 according to it. In questions 33 to 40, judge the sentences given as correct or incorrect according to the text and/or to the grammar rules of English Language, and then mark the alternative which is correct.

Organizations may contemplate the objectives of OD when:

I. conflicts are not allowed to affect productivity.

II. current needs prevail.

III. people receive prizes for eventual success, but get punished for eventual failures.

IV. leaders and employees know the customers.

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