Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2001

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa do ano 2001

Text LI-II – questions 9 and 10

From text LI-II, it can be deduced that

the modern structures are based on decentralization of PETROBRAS's activities.

Text LI-II – questions 9 and 10

From text LI-II, it can be deduced that

the new management is introducing slow changes in the company.

Text LI-II – questions 9 and 10

From text LI-II, it can be deduced that

PETROBRAS has always been facing competition.

Text LI-II – questions 9 and 10

From text LI-II, it can be deduced that

PETROBRAS controls every segment of Brazil's up and downstream oil industry.

Text LI-II – questions 9 and 10

From text LI-II, it can be deduced that

PETROBRAS lost the oil monopoly 48 years ago.

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