Questões de Língua Inglesa

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Listagem de Questões de Língua Inglesa

#Questão 481439 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FCC, 2012, SEE/MG, Professor de Educação Básica

The missing [PRONOUN] is

#Questão 481441 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, FCC, 2012, SEE/MG, Professor de Educação Básica

The missing [CONNECTIVE] is

Based on the text above it can be said that

States’ eavesdropping laws have been declared unconstitutional.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

The Senate has voted to retain net neutrality regulations.

Judge the following items according to the text above.

Growing businesses can keep potential compliance costs from rising by gradually strengthening IT security and data protection.

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