Read the text below in order to answer questions 24 to 26...

#Questão 483098 - Língua Inglesa, Interpretação de Texto, ESAF, 2000, STN, Analista de Finanças e Controle AFC (Prova 1

Read the text below in order to answer questions 24 to 26:


As global interest rates tighten and current account surpluses begin to vanish, servicing the new mountains of public-sector debt and outstanding private debt will become critical concerns before the end of this year. East Asia's V-shaped recovery is in imminent danger of giving way to the dreaded double dip.

Few analysts now foresee the type of precipitous decline witnessed in 1997-1998. There is talk instead of the Latin-Americanization of the Southeast Asian economies – meaning, in essence, that they are in danger of becoming irrelevant backwaters. But that's the optimistic view.

In connection with the present Asian current account surpluses, the text suggests that they

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